. . . is today. It is 1 year old. We began this experiment in Kiwanis community collaboration January 29, 2007.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
this blog's birthday . . .
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Kiwanis Club of South East Cleveland Bulletin January 24, 2008
Meetings are held each Wednesday at noon at Holy Name Rectory, 8328 Broadway Ave.
(In lieu of last week’s meeting, members Tony, Dave and Ellen, and guests Mike Psenicka and Robin Poole, represented Kiwanis at the Garfield Heights Chamber of Commerce luncheon and heard Mayor Tom Longo’s “State of the City Address.” Kiwanis membership was promoted and over 15 Kiwanis brochures given out to interested parties.)
Minutes of January 23, 2008 meeting
Meeting called to order at 12:15 p.m. by President Ellen. Tom’s guest, Gene Andrews, who had come to give Natalie some insight on a seminar she was in charge of, and Sheba from the Fleet Branch Library were welcomed.
Happy Bucks
Natalie glad all in her family are getting better after bouts of flu, strep, pneumonia, etc. Ione happy no snow fell in front of the church, so she didn’t have to shovel it. Naaman glad to be back to a meeting and for the sunshine. Elmer glad Naaman’s back. Ellen also glad to see the sun and everyone here. Dave had $2 bucks – one that his wife is doing well after having her colon removed, and another for the grandchild that is expected to be born any time now. Tom happy Gene could be with us. Gene for the blessing of still having his wife with him, although she had been very ill.
Club Business
•New member recruitment discussed. Tom said Matthew Coates, manager of the Charter One Bank at E. 57th and Broadway, is considering membership. He could commit to attend one meeting a month. Tony, Dave and Ellen also did some recruiting last week at the Garfield Heights Chamber of Commerce meeting. Dave put our membership drive in perspective, saying, “We can do and do and do, but it is also important to just “be.” Let us not lose sight of the value of friendship and fellowship.”
•Ione reported that the family we had purchased Christmas presents for was “just thrilled” about everything. Besides the presents, they were given food, coats and University Settlement supplied them all with beds. Sounds like a very, merry Christmas!
•Sheba said the library will be doing a program in April to mark the birthday of Olympic champion Stella Walsh (from Slavic Village) and tying it into the Polish Constitution Day celebration. She said she has to do some research on the life of Stella Walsh, and Dave recommended she contact John Grabowski at the Western Reserve Historical Society.
•On Monday, Feb. 18, our club will be hosting the Division 15 monthly meeting, to be held in Haren Hall at Holy Name, with a good Polish meal catered by Seven Roses. Dinner at 6:30 p.m.; meeting at 7 p.m. Please save the date as we want our club to be well represented. We will devote next week’s meeting, Jan. 30th, to the nuts and bolts of hosting this event. At the following week’s meeting, Feb. 6th, we will discuss the upcoming Pancake Breakfast set for April 20th, also in Haren Hall.
Meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m., followed by monthly board meeting.
UPCOMING EVENT – Monday, February 18, “President’s Day” – SE Club to host Division 15 meeting in Haren Hall, 6:30 p.m. dinner; 7 p.m. meeting. All hands on board!!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Kiwanis Club of South East Cleveland Bulletin January 10, 2008
Meetings are held each Wednesday at noon at Holy Name Rectory, 8328 Broadway Ave.
(Last meeting of the year was December 19th at Seven Roses Deli on Fleet Ave. Present for some fine food and holiday fellowship were: Tony, Tom, Elmer, Ellen, Marie, Natalie, Ione, Barb, and guests Georgia & Dennis and Tony’s wife, Gail.)
Minutes of January 9, 2008 meeting
An informal meeting (sans Happy Bucks) was held, as only four members were present: Tom, Barb, Ellen and Natalie. Although few in numbers, several items of note took place.
•Tom Igo Scholarship applications, along with a cover letter to be drafted by Barb, will be distributed to members of the South High School Key Club no later than March 1. Students have until May 1 to get their scholarship applications in.
•This month’s board meeting will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 23. Anyone with items to be put on the agenda should contact Ellen beforehand.
•Next month’s board meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 13.
•The South East Club is hosting next month’s Division 15 meeting on Monday, Feb. 18 (which also happens to be President’s Day). Tom and Ellen will talk to Tina at Seven Roses about catering the dinner “Polish-style.”
•In lieu of our regular meeting next Wednesday, it was decided that members attend the Garfield Heights Chamber of Commerce meeting that same day, January 16th, to network with business leaders there and distribute Kiwanis brochures to promote membership growth. Garfield Heights Mayor Thomas J. Longo will be the featured speaker at the meeting, giving his annual “State of the City” address. The event will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall & Pazzo’s Catering, 10808 Granger Rd., Garfield Hts., from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. $12.00 per person includes a luncheon buffet. Ellen will prepay for a table, so those attending should pay her. Please RSVP to Ellen by Monday, Jan. 14, if planning to attend.
•Barb and Tom will be speaking (separately) to other area Kiwanis Clubs this month. Tom and Emily Lee will speak to the Wellington Kiwanis Club on Thursday, Jan. 17, at a building (Tom doesn’t know the name of it) on the southwest corner of Rts. 58 & 18. Call Tom for more details. Barb will speak to the Brecksville Kiwanis Club on Thursday, Jan. 31, at the Methodist Church at Rts. 82 and 21. Dinner 6:15 p.m.; program 7:15 p.m. Call Barb for more details.
Wednesday, Jan. 16 – No regular meeting at Holy Name. Members will instead attend the Garfield Hts. Chamber of Commerce meeting from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 10808 Granger Rd., Garfield Hts., next Wednesday, January 16. Cost: $12. RSVP to Ellen by Monday, Jan. 14. Mayor to give his annual “State of the City” address.
Monday, Jan. 14 – Division 15 meeting at Garfield Memorial Church, 3650 Lander Rd., at Chagrin. Supper 6:30 p.m.; meeting 7 p.m. RSVP for supper by Thursday, Jan. 10, to John Driscoll at 216-765-8870 or 216-333-5865.
Wednesday, Jan. 23 – Regular meeting followed by monthly board meeting at Holy Name.